Wednesday, January 12, 2011


DECOR8 is a blog that i have been following for probably the longest. Infact, I think its' one of the first blogs I ever actually came across. Holly, the editor is a super talented woman who always seems to come up with the most remarkable and inspiring projects that adorn the walls of my dream home that I WILL have someday- sigh. Talking of Dream homes, the Bird and I are on the move hoorah! We are moving into a gorgeous new flat at the end of the month. I'm really looking foreword to all that 'out with the old in with the new', clean walls, fresh spaced vibing that is going to be flittering around my life for the next while and how convenient that dear Holly has introduced a brand new column called "Handmade Home" which will start next week. I'm going to be getting my Handmade on in a big way and can't wait to see what she has in store for me and my little housie. Here are some pics to get those taste buds going...

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